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      Constant resistance ceramic processing accuracy

      Release time: 2017-09-12

          Advanced ceramic materials processing and application technology

          Shanghai Heng resistance ceramic technology to advanced equipment, industry-leading materials technology, effective control of production costs, to provide high-quality, high-tech requirements of industrial ceramics products.

          The company for high-quality needs of the global market, with a variety of inorganic non-metallic materials processing experience, and provide customers with a variety of materials engineering solutions.

          Processing Technology

          Equipment capacity:

          Processing center, grinding machine, drilling and milling machine, inside and outside round grinding, unintentional grinding, grinding, double-sided polishing, single-sided polishing.

          Application Technology

          Ceramics as a new material, compared to metal, plastic and other materials have many unparalleled excellent performance, such as high temperature, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and so on. Ceramics has become more and more widely used, ceramics has become a space, aviation, metallurgy, construction, machinery, chemical, electronics, biomedical engineering and other key materials. The future of science and technology requirements of materials more and more harsh, ceramics may become the most promising to solve technical problems of the material.

          The company's long-term research and application of new ceramic applications at home and abroad and high-tech field of ceramic design concept. Providing a holistic solution for customers' new material applications.

      HMCERA   Production capacity
      HMCERA  material homemade
      HMA - 998: Al2O3, with good   dielectric properties and corrosion resistance
      Hma-95:95% Al2O3, has better   corrosion resistance
      Hmz-y: ZrO295% contains 3   moles of Y2O3, with good mechanical properties at normal temperature
      Hmz-mg: Mg stable ZrO2 has   good mechanical properties at high temperature
      Hmaz-zta85: toughening Al2O3,   with better mechanical properties than Al2O3 ceramics;
      HMAT- 1800: the temperature   can reach 2,000 degrees
      HMCERA sintering ability
      External diameter: maximum   outer diameter (zirconia 500mm alumina 600mm)
      Length of sintering: the   maximum degree is 2200 mm
      HMCERA  finishing ability
      The maximum height is 600mm
      The maximum length is 2500 mm
      Maximum outer diameter of 600   mm
      The maximum CNC length is   1200 mm
      Dimensional accuracy and   tolerance
      Dimensions: plus or minus   0.01mm
      Flatness: less than or equal   to 3 mm /485 mm
      Cylindricity: 2 or less   (including m/Ф x L500 50 mm
      Surface roughness: Ra 0.01~Ra   0.2 or equivalent
