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      Constant pulse ceramic production capacity

      Release time: 2017-12-14
      HMCERA   Production capacity
      HMCERA    material homemade
      HMA - 998: Al2O3, with good dielectric   properties and corrosion resistance
      Hma-95:95% Al2O3, has better corrosion   resistance
      Hmz-y: ZrO295% contains 3 moles of Y2O3, with   good mechanical properties at normal temperature
      Hmz-mg: Mg stable ZrO2 has good mechanical   properties at high temperature
      Hmaz-zta85: toughening Al2O3, with better   mechanical properties than Al2O3 ceramics;
      HMAT- 1800: the temperature can reach 2,000   degrees
      HMCERA sintering ability
      External diameter: maximum outer diameter   (zirconia 500mm alumina 600mm)
      Length of sintering: the maximum degree is   2200 mm
      HMCERA    finishing ability
      The maximum height is 600mm
      The maximum length is 2500 mm
      Maximum outer diameter of 600 mm
      The maximum CNC length is 1200 mm
      Dimensional accuracy and tolerance
      Dimensions: plus or minus 0.01mm
      Flatness: less than or equal to 3 mm /485 mm
      Cylindricity: 2 or less (including m/Ф x L500   50 mm
      Surface roughness: Ra 0.01~Ra 0.2 or   equivalent

